Ruth Gates-Jensen

Ruth Gates-Jensen

Throughout her 31-year career at Fanshawe – culminating in her role as Vice President of Business Development – Ruth Gates-Jensen worked tirelessly to impact the lives and dreams of many students. Just before her retirement in 2001, Ruth made a planned gift of life insurance to Fanshawe to establish an award aimed at encouraging and recognizing female students pursuing non-traditional careers for women in a Faculty of Technology program, such as manufacturing, automotive and engineering.


The Ruth Gates-Jensen Award is presented to a full-time female student enrolled in any Faculty of Technology program offered across Fanshawe campuses. From the inception of this award, 20 awards to Fanshawe College students have been awarded.

“When I set up this award, I wanted to be able to actively support it and enrich it during my retirement years, until it becomes self-funding in the future,” said Ruth. “Ultimately, the life insurance policy I have taken out will give the fund a huge boost to the principal amount and then the award will be there forever.”
