Marilyn Turner

Marilyn Turner

Marilyn worked at Fanshawe College for 27 years and is proud she was able to launch or lead several initiatives that made things better for students, eased the load of employees, and improved our mutual self-image. She was an officer in the Canadian Forces for 14 years and is proud of the work she did leading an award-winning squadron (with award-winning Cadets), and through teaching and mentorship roles, supporting fellow officers in Southwestern Ontario.


Many Cadets – Air, Army, Sea – come from families who aren’t familiar with college, or are not financially able to consider it. I am a big fan of the Cadet program and also the Ontario Community College system, and I believe college education is good for everyone. To match these two was an obvious choice.

“Any time someone can add college education to their list of achievements, it’s a good thing. I expect this bursary will help unlock futures that Cadets and their families might not have ever hoped for. A college education (particularly one from Fanshawe!) might give the graduate the financial stability and joy in work that would permit them time and ease to consider becoming an officer and furthering the Cadet program. And these young people will add to the lustre of Fanshawe alumni.”
