Kate Goodwin

Kate Goodwin

Kate sponsors the Gender Diversity Rocks IT Award with fellow Fanshawe employee Wil Osbourne-Sorrell to encourage diversity in the IT programs and to encourage female-identifying students to pursue a career in this male-dominated field.


The Gender Diversity Rocks IT Award is presented to a full-time female-identifying student enrolled in Fanshawe’s Computer Programmer Analyst, Computer Systems Technician, Computer Systems Technology or Internet Application & Web Development programs. The student must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstrated leadership skills in the classroom by volunteering at the Girls Rock IT event, Girls Technology Camps or similar activities.

“We hope that this award encourages women and other minority groups to pursue an ‘untraditional’ career in the field of IT and to ‘break the glass ceiling’.”
– Kate Goodwin
