In Memory of Tyler Trimble

In Memory of Tyler Trimble

Tyler Neil Trimble was born in London, Ontario at St. Joseph’s Hospital on November 2, 1978 to Isabel and Gerald Trimble of R.R.#4 Thamesford, Ontario. His sister, Rebecca, was three years old when Tyler was born.

He was a healthy and physically energetic child that engaged in vigorous play with his many friends, especially Kyle, Trevor and Jason Noble. His vitality never overrode care for his friends and animals, always putting them first. He would come to the house from playing and ask for treats for his friends, his animals and himself.

As he grew, attending Thamesford Public School, he attracted many friends through Beavers, baseball, school and hockey. Tyler had a gift for perceiving the need and providing help for the disadvantaged while setting a responsible lifestyle for them.

Tyler graduated from public school with special honours and went to Ingersoll District High School, graduating in June 1997. His education continued at Fanshawe College in Motive Power (Automotive), graduating in June 1999. He then enrolled in the Heavy Vehicle (Diesel) program.

During the early summer, he was killed while riding as a passenger in his restored Chevy S10 pickup that was being driven by a friend.

Tyler’s character was one to be envied. He was quiet and ambitious, holding down three jobs while attending school, one of which included milking cows morning and night. He was generous, financially supporting two disadvantaged people while in high school. He was responsible, once riding a borrowed bicycle from Dorchester to Ingersoll in the middle of the night rather than drive because he had consumed one drink.

He was determined, walking the 12 kilometres home from his high school when busses were cancelled.

He was respected, and this became even more evident after his death as friends related how they depended on him for advice. He had developed a friendship in adulthood with Chad Irvine. This led to him, Kyle and Chad playing guitars together. Tyler’s guitar now belongs to his clone – his nephew Wesley.


The Tyler Trimble Memorial Bursary is presented annually to students enrolled in semester 3 of the Motive Power Technician (Automotive), Motive Power Technician (Automotive) – Apprentice, Motive Power Technician (Diesel), or Motive Power Technician (Diesel-Apprentice) programs.

“Tyler was nearly 21 years of age when he died. His memorial bursary was established by the many who knew and respected him, including his professors. The generosity of all contributing to this legacy is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. Thanks to you all”.

- Isabel & Gerry Trimble
