In Memory of Louise Welshman

In Memory of Louise Welshman

Louise Welshman graduated from the first graduating class of the Fashion Design Program in 1977. “I can fondly remember the thoughtful, pleasant student that Louise consistently portrayed” says Theresa Vander Hoeven, founder, co ordinator and professor of the program. I always enjoyed working with Louise and continually admired the meticulous workmanship she constantly produced. Her abilities were exceptional in construction and drafting. Her skills spoke volumes.

Louise graduated with honours and she pursued her career by applying her exceptional skills designing for her own clients. When Louise passed away in the early 1980’s, her father, Mr. Robert Welshman was devastated and did not want us to forget his cherished daughter.

Mr. Welshman came to me with a broken heart and provided for me her insurance money and asked me to develop the Louise Welshman Memorial Award.

Louise lives on through her fathers kindness in providing this bursary each year for a Fashion Design student. Mr. Welshman’s wishes were for me to select a recipient most worthy of receiving this award. She had to be like his daughter in many ways. She had to be a hard worker, have excellent workmanship qualities, good understanding of design and fabric. She had to be dedicated to her profession and a perfectionist in her work. The recipient had to have a need of financial assistance in order to accomplish her goals.

Mr. Welshman attended all the award ceremonies to present his award to the recipient who represented his daughter. It was always a very difficult time for him, yet I could always see the twinkle in his eyes as he personally presented the award to the student. He was so proud to be able to attend the ceremony and enjoyed getting to know the recipient over the dinner at the awards ceremony.

Mr. Welshman passed away in 1989….. but his daughter name will live on…each time a student receives her help!


The Louise Welshman Memorial Bursary supports full-time students from the Fashion Design program who maintain a 3.5 grade-point-average and demonstrate financial need.
