In Memory of Jim Matchett

In Memory of Jim Matchett

Jim Matchett was a part of the Fanshawe College Athletics in almost every aspect; as an athlete, coach, administer, committee, member and convenor.

As a student, Matchett was an outstanding athlete at Fanshawe, winning the OCAA badminton singles gold medal in 1975-76. He would later be hired as an athletic Officer at the college and would serve as a coach in the badminton, basketball and soccer programs.

At the OCAA level, Matchett was Badminton Convenor from 1987-88 to 1991-92 and in 1995-96, he was West Region Convenor for the Men’s Soccer.

Nationally, he was Badminton Convenor from 1989-1992 and again in 1996-97. In 1996, he was selected to work at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta as a line judge for badminton.

Jim passed away in 1999 at the age of 47, after battling with Hodgkins Disease. He was posthumously honoured by the OCAA with a Shield Award in 2001.


The Jim Matchett Memorial Scholarship was established to annually recognize a student who has achieved a significant academic standing and who has made a noteworthy contribution to athletics at Fanshawe College
