In Memory of Brian Bragg

In Memory of Brian Bragg

The Brian Bragg Memorial Award was established by the Bragg and Fanshawe families to honour the late Brian Bragg. Brian was a letter carrier at Canada Post for over 30 years. He was a kind and gentle soul, a gifted musician and scholar who loved his family with all his heart.


The Brian Bragg Memorial Award is presented to a full-time student in any program at Fanshawe College Oxford County Campus who has maintained a minimum 3.0 GPA (cumulative) and has completed the first semester of his/her certificate, diploma or degree program. This student must also demonstrate involvement in campus life and/or community activities and have not previously received this award in their lifetime. Preference will be given to a mature student (i.e. 21 years of age or older) with a demonstrated love of music.
